Umesh Venkatesan, Ph.D.

Umesh Venkatesan, Ph.D.

Umi's role within TRACTS includes conducting clinical interviews with veterans and offering feedback on their study participation. He is also involved in analyzing and preparing data for publication. Umi obtained his bachelor's degree in psychology from Johns Hopkins University and later earned a PhD in clinical psychology from Penn State, where his research focused on neuroimaging in TBI. He completed a pre-doctoral internship in neuropsychology at Brown University before arriving at VA Boston, where he assumed his current position as an Advanced Fellow in Polytrauma/TBI Rehabilitation. Apart from his work in TRACTS, Umi sees patients for clinical care in VA Boston's neuropsychology and spinal cord injury clinics.

Contact Information

GRECC (182 JP), VA Medical Center
Building 1, Floor 11, D-Wing
150 South Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02130
p: 857-364-6595
